Monday, April 20, 2009

Bad acne or bad teeth whats worse?

what is worse in your opinion bad acne or bad teeth? please be nice in your responces thank you in advance :)

Bad acne or bad teeth whats worse?
Acne is such a horrible condition for anyone to have as you have to face the world every day feeling different/unattractive. My son who is 17and really handsome (IMHO) suffered from acne for 2 years. He was so upset and the doctor eventually referred him to the dermatologist who put him on Roaccutane for six months. There are side effects but, boy, it was worth it!

His skin cleared up within weeks and his face is peachy and clear.

Bad teeth is usually a sign of neglect on the other hand. If you look after your teeth, you can have a lovely smile. Having acne is not a sign of neglect.
Reply:I%26#039;d say bad acne... Wait no! Bad teeth... Yeah bad teeth. It%26#039;s cheaper and easier to get rid of the acne rather than getting good results for your teeth.
Reply:bad acne, because teeth you can do something about, but acne is really hard to cover up
Reply:I would rather have bad acne...because bad teeth are no picnic let me assure you.
Reply:u can always get fake teeth But if no acne crap works then ur screwed
Reply:Both are bad. But both can be cured/corrected. Proper hygiene do wonders.
Reply:1 mio times bad teeth...acne u can get rid of but teeth...well it kinda takes a while...thank god mine are white!!
Reply:bad teeth are worse because they are harder to fix and acne isnt really that bad or nasty or disgusting but bad teeth are just blech!!
Reply:Very tough question. I%26#039;m going to have to go with...bad acne.

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