Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I was told that having bad teeth can signal bad health. Is this true?

My friend has bad teeth. I know that you can check an animals health by checking their teeth. So I told him that having bad teeth could signal bad health. He doesn't believe me. I know that we can't be that much different from our animal counterparts. I'm not saying that its the only explanation, but I would like to know if anyone knows something that would back that up. Thank you.

I was told that having bad teeth can signal bad health. Is this true?
yes there definitely is a link. Bad teeth, bad gums, whatever, the link is much more than the medical community thought initially. There are links to heart disease, low birth weight in babies (born to moms with gum disease), stroke, diabetes, stomach problems (such as indigestion) and bacterial endocarditis (infection which attacks the heart valves) and many other things which are being found on a regular basis.

Yes it will be expensive to get things fixed up but with regular care, there is nothing like a healthy mouth. It's easy to chew, food tastes better and your digestive system will thank you! Plus your breath will be sweet!
Reply:I don't think so. I have bad teeth, but I'm in way good health.
Reply:yes, having bad teeth is having bad growth duh... everyone knows that so your friend better go to the dentist for a monthly check up. if he wants to be healthy.
Reply:gingivitis is a disease and if you have it and you swallow it like you do constantly, you are eating it and it goes through your body and you can develop heart disease!!! Seriously, that's what the dentist told me cuz I started to get a mild case of it when I had braces! I don't think she'd lie!
Reply:I was told by a dentist there is a link between bad teeth and bad health. The research showed a correlation between gum disease and heart desease and other health problems.
Reply:your right neglecting teet can be harmful in the long run, dental carries is a tooth disease that needs to b attended if one tooth gets bad the tooth next to it also get bad thus the disease spreads from one tooth to another, which eventually leads to not chewing food properly which in turn leads to stomach ulcers,and gastric problems,

bad teeth causes foul breath food decays in the mouth causing your breath to smell, that would spoil your sex life, kissing is very important, bad teeth leads to bad gums, bleeding gums know as pyrreoh,

ulcers and cancers can occur in the mouth due to bad rigged teeth, he is also easily prone to tooth ache, take your friend to the dentist, he need to thank you for showing interst in his well beeing
Reply:Tell her in a nice way..."I feel it would be best to see a dentist" if she does not want to go...then that is her problem and it will get worse not better...If having a bad tooth ache is causing trouble,,,,then she should see a doctor....I knew an acquaintance that had a terrible tooth ache....hated dentists and refuse to go to a dentist.....sadly, he died,....TRUE STORY!!!

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