Sunday, August 2, 2009

Keeping it simple: i got bad teeth: looking for dentist that does pro bono work n san marcos or austin,tx help

i want a new whole mouth, but cannot afford it.. i've heard that some dentist does pro bono work.. it would be nice for a dentist to understand why i need a whole new mouth ( bad teeths) and it would boost my morale and self esteem looking for such dentist in san marcos,tx or austin anyone got any suggestion..?

Keeping it simple: i got bad teeth: looking for dentist that does pro bono work n san marcos or austin,tx help
Pro bono is a legal term, essentially meaning "for free." While lawyers may do pro bono work to ingratiate themselves with the community, the only dentists I know that do pro bono are the ones in dental schools. You will need to research the web for your area for dental schools. The upside is that they will do the dental work for free. The downside is that they are not yet dentists -- you will have rookies playing around in your mouth. Most likely, the rookies will do just fine and you will have your self esteem. But pro bono is a legal term, not a dentistry ethic.
Reply:How about this for simple? sell your computer and pay for your new teeths instead of looking for a handout.
Reply:Pro-bono is the fancy word for free. You want free work done. People are hardpressed to do free work. I would suggest making an appointment with a cosmetic dentist. If he sees how bad you situation, maybe he/she will be willing to work something out. Possibly, do things in phases and you can pay as you go. I've been to some pretty cool dentists in my area that are willing to work with their patients. I'm sure your area would be the same. And if you have to, look outside of your area. So make many appointment until you find someone who will cut you some slack. Make sure you tell them you are a cash customer.

Have you tried getting a job with dental benefits. If braces will help, make sure the orthodontics coverage is a good one.

Good luck.


1 comment:

  1. Going to the dentist regularly is important for your overall health and the health of your teeth, mouth and gums for your child. Dentists can be prepared to work with any age group to effectively treat their patient's needs. If you're looking for a dental health practice to handle the needs of your growing children, you will need to find a dentist that can address all the various age groups or find a specific practice that focuses on one age group in particular. You see your dentist on a regular basis for dental maintenance and care. This includes check-ups, cleanings, x-rays and dental treatments.

    Dentist San Marcos TX


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