Sunday, August 2, 2009

My bunny has bad teeth and is getting 2 thin, what should i feed him?

His previous owner didn't feed him any hard foods, so he has poor teeth. He is a dwarf gray bunny weight like 3-5 pounds and i can feel his ribs.

My bunny has bad teeth and is getting 2 thin, what should i feed him?
It probably isn't a matter of not being fed proper feed but more of improper genetics to cause bad teeth.

Which teeth are we talking about...his molars or his incisors?? Are the incisors straight, crooked? Does the top teeth overlap the bottom?

Dwarf rabbits are more suseptible to what is called "maloclussion". Due to their bigger heads of the Dwarf, the head grows so fast that the teeth/jaw can't keep up, so this causes problems with the teeth not matching properly. This is uncomforatable and will lead to the rabbit not eating.

You need to determine what is the actual problem with the teeth, which ones, etc and take action to correct the tooth problem. If it is the incisors, you (or a vet) may need to trim them to correct them from overlapping improperly causing him probably not to eat.

Your best bet may be to find a rabbit knowledgeable vet or well known breeder in your area to help determine the actual problem/cause. If this rabbit was never fed a commercial diet, you are going to shock his system by abrupting putting him on one. But if you keep feeding him greens and veggies, this could mess up his digestive system unless you know how to properly balance what greens he needs to surive through getting the proper nutrients, vitamins etc.

First seek the cause of the problem of the teeth and get immediate attention for that and then finding the proper feed and getting weight back on him will fall into place once you take care of the actual problem you are facing.

PS: Iceburg lettuce is not healthy for a rabbit, too watery. Romain lettuce is safe. Note: Dark green foods are better for rabbits due to the lower water content. Too much watery foods in a rabbit's diet leads to upset digestive systems and diarrhea.
Reply:Take him to the vet so you can help his teeth
Reply:Try feeding him lettece.
Reply:Soory to say but I heard lettuce is really bad for rabbits, please check before you feed him lettuce!
Reply:His teeth may be too long. Your vet can clip them. That may be why he is so thin, he can't eat right. I would take him to the vet and have him checked out to find what is wrong. If he is that skinny there is probably something wrong and it's better to catch the problem early and treat it before it gets any worse.

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