Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why do the English have bad teeth???

Don't mean to be mean, but they have some terrible teeth!!!

Do they go to the dentist, or do they even brush their teeth????

Why do the English have bad teeth???
wow talk about stereotyping!

Not all English people have bad teeth
Reply:Maybe cause they drink a lot of tea?

And yeah tea makes your teeth yellowish.
Reply:Lol not all britians have bad theeth just the ones you see in the like ollldd british times and I think its because they had so much tea or maybe to much sugar in their tea and im not sure if they had toothpaste or not...
Reply:i think they must do brush therir teeth and also go to dentist for checkup
Reply:without generalizing too much, its more down to the fact that the youth don't particularly like to wear braces or retainers
Reply:No socialized dental care. Very expensive.
Reply:I think about 75 % of Europeans smoke!!! That cant be good for their teeth color.
Reply:its probably just the tea but I mean, whats the point?! As long as they work... :)
Reply:.Of course we brush,on all of my holidays in America i saw many Americans who had foul looking teeth,you are just generalizing
Reply:I think you have been watching to many old movies.
Reply:it's in there genes. they don't have the flouride and other minerals in their toothpaste, mouthwash as americans. americans are into their looks the english arent.
Reply:English people do not have "bad" teeth as a whole. They do not straighten their teeth as much as other countries do, but that does not make them bad teeth. Also, tea is a major part of many of their diets and tea stains teeth very badly. But again, just becaues they are stained, it does not make them "bad". Many places have become acustomed to teeth that have had a lot of cosmetic work done.
Reply:wasn't aware of that.
Reply:Im British and I don't have bad teeth most British people don't have bad teeth of course they go to the dentist and they brush their teeth open your eyes and actually go to the whole of Britain and then you may get an idea that they care about their teeth.
Reply:Yeh this is a bit stereotyped. Don't know where you got this from but a minority of people in every country are gonna' have bad teeth, like many americans will (even if it's not you).

It's not just the English, just a select few, same as everywhere else...

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