Friday, July 31, 2009

Bad teeth and pregnancy?

I heard many times that's is important to get your teeth checked when pregnant. How can that effect the baby? Is it by swollowing the bacteria? I was just curious that's all... Thanks.

Bad teeth and pregnancy?
What they say is the bacteria in your mouth, can transfer through your blood stream, and cause things like premature birth, and miscarriages, not to mention risks to your health....I don't know of any known cases of miscarriages due to gum disease, but it is a precaution all expected are suppose to be aware of....however it is extremely common to develop gingivitis and teeth problems due to the pregnancy it's self. They recommend that you keep your teeth clean, and visit the dentist at least once during your pregnancy to check for problems..however a lot of women never visit the dentist during there pregnancy, and often neglect there teeth and gums due to focusing on other things, or even morning sickness. It's not something I would sit an panic over, but I would defiantly try to keep up with clean teeth.
Reply:The gun disease gingivitis can cause pre mature birth
Reply:Gum Disease not to mention that if you do not get enough calcium your baby will start taking it from your teeth and bones and you will have irreversible damage to your teeth.
Reply:I just visited the dentist not too long ago, The dentist told me it is vital to keep up good dental hygiene during pregnancy because the increased blood flow can cause your gums too bleed therfore risking you of gum deseases i.e. gingivitis. I know there is more to it than that but its too much to remember as my dentist crams my head with info all the time lol. I would advise you to definitely visit your dentist atleast once during your pregnancy, he/she will be able to answer your questions too :)
Reply:I know that the baby can take alot of calcium from you. I personally broke or chiped at least one tooth per pregnacy because of lack of calcium.


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